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H20 Mountain Electric Bicycle

H20 Mountain Electric Bicycle

Regular price $895.89 USD
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Introducing the revolutionary Ridstar H20 Mountain Electric Bicycle! Experience the thrill of effortless riding as you conquer any terrain with ease. Ignite your passion for adventure and transportation with this innovative bike.


Ridstar H20 Mountain Electric Bicycle


The Eu Warehouse Ridstar H20 Mountain Electric Bicycle is a powerful and versatile e-bike designed for urban commuting and outdoor adventures. With its robust motor, long-lasting battery, and impressive speed, it’s an excellent choice for riders seeking both convenience and performance.

Key Features:

1. Powerful 1000W Motor:

The heart of this electric bike is its 1000W motor, providing ample power for uphill climbs, acceleration, and maintaining high speeds. Whether you’re tackling city streets or hitting off-road trails, the motor ensures a smooth and efficient ride.

2. High-Capacity 48V 15Ah Battery:

The 48V 15Ah lithium-ion battery offers an extended range, allowing you to cover more ground without worrying about running out of juice. Commute to work, explore scenic routes, or simply enjoy leisure rides—the battery has you covered.

3. Speed and Agility:

With a maximum speed of 45 km/h, the Ridstar H20 lets you zip through traffic or cruise along bike paths effortlessly. Say goodbye to long commute times and hello to a faster, more enjoyable ride.

4. Sturdy Build and Comfort:

The mountain bike frame is built to withstand rugged terrain, while the front suspension fork absorbs shocks for a comfortable ride. The ergonomic saddle and handlebars ensure a pleasant riding experience even on longer journeys.

5. Safety First:

Safety is paramount. The Ridstar H20 features reliable brakes, responsive handling, and bright LED lights for visibility during low-light conditions. Always wear a helmet and follow traffic rules for a secure ride.


  • Motor Power: 1000W
  • Battery Capacity: 48V 15Ah
  • Maximum Speed: 45 km/h
  • Color: Black

Get Yours Today!

Ready to upgrade your commute? The Eu Warehouse Ridstar H20 Mountain Electric Bicycle.

Common Questions:

Q1: Is assembly required?

A: Yes, some assembly is necessary. The bike will arrive partially disassembled, but the included instructions make it straightforward to put together.

Q2: What’s the range on a single charge?

A: The range depends on factors like terrain, rider weight, and speed. On average, expect around 30-40 miles (48-64 km) per charge.

Q3: Can I ride it in the rain?

A: While the bike is not fully waterproof, it can handle light rain. However, avoid heavy downpours to prolong its lifespan.

Q4: Is the battery removable?

A: Yes, the battery is removable for convenient charging. You can charge it indoors or carry a spare battery for extended rides.

Q5: Is it suitable for off-road trails?

A: Absolutely! The Ridstar H20’s sturdy build and powerful motor make it great for off-road adventures.

Note: Always prioritize safety, wear protective gear, and follow local regulations when riding an electric bicycle.

Get ready to revolutionize your commute with the Eu Warehouse Ridstar H20 Mountain Electric Bicycle! 🚴‍♂️🔥


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